Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Disclaimer and Info

Hello! Nice to meet you all!

This blog will be a terrible translation of "The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor."
I do not speak Korean, so this may be inaccurate. Since I'm only proofreading what I understand of each chapter, there will be about 70% of the content, so you may find later on when this gets a decent translator that I have not typed every thing.

I'm going to start at volume 23 because that is when Weed joins Bar Khan in his fight and then betrays him!!!

My progress on chapter 4: (Got started! Expect to be done in 2 weeks)

I don't own what I'll be posting next.


  1. so.. i want to add your link to RoyalRoad .. but if i do that i need to know exactly, what you didn't translate.. can you send me a work, [of chapter 1] with the untranslated in korean..
    basically, what you don't know, instead of deleting it, just keep the korean words instead, it'll make future translation easier :D

    i added this to the summary http://royalroadweed.blogspot.co.il/2011/10/volume-23.html

    but i'm going to consider you a translator :D
    keep up the good work :D

    btw, if the missing parts is something in the middle or the begining or the end.. we can make it V23 chapter 1 part 1 ... or part 3 .. but that is if what is missing isn't randome from various places "D

    1. I don't omit paragraphs, just sentecnes here and there. I used the jcafe google tranlates
